Values and Code of Ethics


Participant 1.

Respect, dignity, equality, integrity and justice were values which formed the basis of Anatolia College’s code of ethics. This code concerned proper behavior and team participation but also influenced many individual students’ criteria of personal and character development. The alumni who participated in this project talked about how this code of ethics had roots in the peculiar mixture of liberal American and Greek-centric education of Anatolia College; how it was eventually translated into a peculiar spirituality, desire for excellence and sense of cosmopolitanism for the interviewees; and how, finally, it was followed by teachers and staff of Anatolia College, including the shining example of Miss Ingle.

From Prof. Arvanitakis' interview:

From [Papatzikou's] interview:

From [Argalia's] interview:

From [Sarafian's] interview:

Extracts from the Interviews
Values and Code of Ethics